Growing Eli’s Village

Elijah (Eli) was born on September 30th, 2017. He had many health issues upon birth which resulted in him being flown to a larger hospital where he would spend a month in the NICU fighting for his life. Eli received his Pitt Diagnosis at 11 months old, and amongst his many diagnoses, Pitt is his ‘main’ one.

Eli is a very happy, sassy, determined, stubborn, silly, and sweet boy. He is a social butterfly and loves to be included and try new things! Eli is currently not independently mobile, and he uses his AAC, yes/no buttons, and body language to communicate. Though Eli may struggle expressively, his receptive skills are age appropriate. In school, he has started 2nd grade this year and does a mix of Special and General education at our local public school. Eli has many friends at school and in his adaptive sports.

Eli has been blessed with an amazing ‘village’ of family and friends. His ‘village’ is loving, supportive, and ensures that Eli is included in all the things!

Eli enjoys playing adaptive basketball with his local parks and rec team. He also loves to dance in the special needs dance class, and enjoys participating in recitals. This summer he discovered that he loves to go tent camping and floating on the lake! His favorite summer event is adaptive wakeboarding at the lake with Wake the World. Eli is a sensory seeker and loves to be out and about. He loves going to theme parks where he asks to ride all the rides he’s tall enough for! Like most of his Pitt ‘brothers & sisters’ he adores water and music.

Though Eli faces many daily challenges, he still lives a loving, joyful, and enriching life. He has been fighting since he entered this world and still fights through his challenges and pains inflicted on him by this syndrome everyday. You can help join in his ever growing ‘village’ by spreading awareness and support.

With your donations you are helping us fight with him, with the goal to help ease his burdens, challenges, and pains no child (or adult) should have to suffer through.