Victor Pauca

Victor Pauca was born on a bright and sunny day in 2005. His parents, Paul and Theresa, his big sisters, Sofia and Francesca, and his entire extended family and friends love and adore him. Victor was one of the first individuals diagnosed with Pitt Hopkins syndrome in the world, in 2008, at 2 years old. We connected online with a few families who had children with Pitt Hopkins within a couple months after his diagnosis, and over the span of a few years more individuals were diagnosed. In 2012, our family co-founded the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation, along with other families, who would become our life-long friends.

Victor is enjoying a wonderful and enriching life, attending public school until he was eighteen years old. He now attends a local Arts-based day program for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Victor and his sister, Francesca, have created an Instagram page called @HoldingVictorsHand, with over 150,000 wonderful followers who lift our family up and bring us such joy. He loves to spend time with his family and extended family, and especially enjoys visiting his grandparents who live in the neighborhood. He is on the local Special Olympics soccer team, and enthusiastically rides an adapted recumbent tricycle around the neighborhood, with his Dad running behind him. Victor enjoys making art, exploring different musical instruments, using his Playstation, watching his favorite shows and movies, enjoying nature, and going shopping at Whole Foods, Publix, Target, TJ Maxx, and the mall. Victor has several health concerns, and has had frequent serious hospitalizations. He faces these health issues with bravery and patience. We are focused on Victor enjoying every minute of his life, providing him with enriching and meaningful activities with the ones he loves. He sees the world in a unique and beautiful way, and we are privileged to share this life with him.

Please consider donating to the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation in honor of our Victor. Thank you for being a part of our community!

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The Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization designated under the Internal Revenue Code, and this donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The PHRF Employer Identification Number is 46-0770142. Thank you!