Team Lucy

This is our beautiful daughter Lucy, who was born in early 2019. After a healthy pregnancy Lucy thrived as a newborn, however we started noticing developmental delays when she was only 8 months old. Lucy soon started physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and developmental therapy. Simultaneously we began a series of tests and visits to specialists to figure out why Lucy was not meeting any of her developmental milestones. Then just after Lucy’s second birthday she was diagnosed with Pitt Hopkins Syndrome (PTHS), a very rare disease without a cure. This isn’t something any parent can plan for, but we knew we would never give up on any of our children. Sure enough we formed a team of people to support our daughter and discovered a worldwide network of PTHS families. As we grew in knowledge of PTHS, we discovered the ongoing research being done through the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation to find a cure, which gave us tremendous hope for a better future for Lucy.

Life with Pitt-Hopkins

Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome (PTHS) is a rare neurological disorder affecting the TCF4 gene in chromosome 18. PTHS is characterized by developmental delays, breathing problems, gastrointestinal issues, lack of speech, anxiety, sensory processing disorders and atypical autism. Every aspect of Lucy’s life with PTHS is an adventure, but we are thankful to her team of therapists and teachers for continuing to help her progress each day. Pitt Hopkins patients present with extremely low muscle tone, which explains Lucy’s constant difficulty with motor control, muscle grading and weight shifting as seen with pulling up to stand, walking, jumping and balancing. Lucy also demonstrates severe deficits in expressive and receptive language and she is largely dependent upon a familiar adult to support functional communication for basic wants and needs. While she can understand everything she hears, we continue to work with her so she can one day respond to friends, family and teachers in the most generalizable way possible.

Lucy emulates joy and we are so blessed to have her in our life. Lucy works tirelessly to live her life to the fullest despite having PTHS. No matter where Lucy struggles, her older siblings, Christopher and Katherine, have a great time playing with her and they are one of the reasons why her laugh can be so contagious. After 2 years of hard work Lucy can now chase after her siblings in her walker. We are so proud of all of our children. Our sweet Lucy just wants to be included in the fun. So whenever you see Lucy, come right up to her and say “Hello” and ask her to play because all she wants is to have fun just like any other kid!

Pitt-Hopkins Research

In June 2022, we attended a conference through the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation and we saw how science is the key to Lucy’s future. This Foundation supports the ongoing research for patients with Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome.  The researchers present from across the world have shown us that there are many facets of PTHS that they can treat to improve the lives of individuals with PTHS.

Donate to Pitt-Hopkins Research Foundation

Since Lucy’s diagnosis in 2021, our family has been on a journey we never expected, but we are not without hope and are so thankful for our amazing community that supports us every day.

We invite you and your friends to join us in our journey to keep Lucy’s smile bright. Without critical funds to help propel research into the next stages of development, there will be no success in bringing a cure for this severe syndrome. This fundraiser page has been set-up in honor of Lucy and will be pledged to the Pitt-Hopkins Research Foundation to support research to find a cure for PTHS.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your generosity, prayers, and support.

– Colin & Kristen

Donate today in honor of Lucy!