Alexandra’s Pitt Crew

We are the parents of a beautiful, joyful little girl, Alexandra Nicole. We had a happy, healthy pregnancy and delivery, she was an ounce shy of eight pounds and within two weeks was holding her head up. However, her developmental milestones were short-lived, as we noticed between six and nine months she was not developing at the rate she should. So, at 10 months old, she began early intervention therapy services with weekly physical therapy, occupational therapy and feeding therapy. But as she neared her first birthday, we still had concerns and were referred to a pediatric neurologist to undergo chromosomal genetic testing. On April 25, 2016, our world was changed forever as her doctor delivered the most terrifying news. “Your daughter has been diagnosed with Pitt Hopkins Syndrome.” She was only 15 months old.

In that moment, we knew our lives would be taking a much different path than most and we began our journey in living with an ultra-rare disorder. In the weeks and months that followed we saw top specialists around the country to find answers and to learn more. We began actively fundraising for the Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation and getting involved in local rare disease advocacy groups.

Even though this is something that you cannot plan for, or would wish on anyone, one thing we have learned is how special, full of love and BRIGHT our little angel truly is… she has taught us so much in such a brief time. She can make the darkest of days brighter and teach everyone that meets her that it is really the little things in life that matter most.

At this time, there is no cure for Pitt Hopkins. Her life will always be harder, more challenging and different than that of her neuro-typical friends. But, one thing can change all of this…. research to fund a cure. Please join “Alexandra’s Pitt Crew” by making a donation to the Foundation’s research efforts. Without critical funds to help propel research into the next stages of learning and development, there will be no future success in eradicating this severe and devastating syndrome. The button below is a fundraising portal just for Alexandra. Any gift made via that form will be pledged in honor of Alexandra.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for visiting us today and we hope to hear from you soon.

The Anderson Family
Phoenix, Ariz.